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GNMP Winter Lecture Series- Troy Harman- Following the 11th Virginia During Picketts Charge-...
Winter Lecture 2022 - Following the 11th Virginia during Pickett's Charge
[Troy Harman] - Lee Reconnoiters Culp's Hill
GNMP Winter Lecture Series- Intelligence Gathering at Culp's Hill- Ranger Troy Harman
Gettysburg NPS Winter Lecture Series- "Is Gettysburg the High Water Mark"- by Ranger Troy Harman
GNMP Winter Lecture Series- "Fighting for Loyalty: Political Life in the Army of the Potomac"-...
GNMP Winter Lecture Series 2020- Freemasonry At Gettysburg- Fraternal Bonds Tested By Battle- By...
GNMP Winter Lecture Series- March 5, 2022- The Fighting Ellet Family- Matt Atkinson
GNMP Winter Lecture- Reading Between the Lines: Soldier Accounts from the Gettysburg Battle-...
Language and Rhetoric at Appomattox (Lecture)
GNMP Winter Lecture- Gettysburg and the Civil War: From County Seat to National Symbol
The Congressional Hearings on Meade at Gettysburg in 1864 (Lecture)